Check-in and check-out
Check-in time is between 15:00h and 19:00h. If you cannot arrive at the hotel until later than 19.00h, please contact us in advance.
We ask you to leave the room by 11.00am on day of departure.
Bicycle storage
Our bicycle parking is free of charge. We are not liable for damage to or loss of parked bicycles, nor their contents.
Accepted payment cards
We accept VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, V Pay and Bancontact. The hotel reserves the right to pre-authorise your credit card prior to your arrival.
Pets are not allowed at Ara Dune Hotel.
Children of all ages are welcome. You should always book a family room regardless of the age of the child. Please always clearly indicate the number of children and their ages at the time of booking.
Disabled persons
Please note that the hotel is not technically adapted for people in wheelchairs or with rollators. As a result, not all rooms are accessible to persons in wheelchairs or rollators.
Our parking is free of charge and is located in front of the hotel, across the road and next to our garden. We are not liable for damage to or theft of the (contents of) vehicles in our car park.
In case of damage caused by the guest, the persons accompanying him or the persons under his care to the movable and immovable property of Ara Dune Hotel, the damage caused by the guest must be compensated by the hotel upon simple request. This at the latest at the time of the guest's departure.
In Belgium, there is a general ban on smoking in public places. It is therefore expressly forbidden to smoke in our hotel, as well as on our roof terrace. If this rule is violated, all related costs will be charged to the guest.
Forgotten items
The hotel bears no responsibility for personal items left by the guest in the hotel after departure. Forgotten items will be kept in safekeeping for 1 month and can be retrieved after notification.